
Nodem 2013 — Sweden / Beyond Control — The Collaborative Museum and its Challenges

NODEM Network of Design and Digital Heritage / Interactive Institute Swedish ICT Swedish Exhibition Agency
Stockholm City Museum

The overarching goal of NODEM 2013 – Beyond Control was to highlight and investigate a variety of challenges that museums and other culture-historical institutions are facing in an increasingly digital, and media saturated, landscape.

The aim of the conference was to bring together museum and heritage professionals (GLAM and heritage sector), innovation experts (universities, research and technology transfer centres, start-ups) and practitioners (SME sector) to enable discussion on the potential of collaboration and innovation.

For decades digital technologies have been considered by the museums as bringing rapid changes that create challenges for the museum work and practices. With the advent of the digital age, museum professionals must constantly focus on the consequences and re-evaluate the museum’s role, as knowledge and interpretative processes are co-created with audiences and other expertise centres. At the same time innovation experts are researching and designing novel interfaces and experiences. How do we bring these different perspectives and approaches?



Halina Gottlieb, Founding Director of NODEM

