
Know-How Books

The Know-how book series, started within the EPOCH project (2006-2008), bridge the gap between research findings and the practical aspects of professionals working in the cultural heritage sector. Using illustrations and step-by-step instructions, the books highlight functional information covering the design, development and implementation of ideas and their solutions, and give thoughtful suggestions for alternative applications within cultural heritage. 

The Interactive Institute Swedish ICT’s work behind the idea, content coordination, editing, design, publishing and promotion of the know-how books series gave us insight into how to improve future versions. There has been valuable feedback from cultural heritage professionals, who have commented on how much this sort of information is needed in the field.

The know-how book series has thus been continued in 2014 with a new collection focusing on individual knowledge transfer from senior researchers and PhD candidates to cultural and creative professionals: Research Supporting Innovation, by Halina Gottlieb, and Fly High: Collaborate! by Mariana Salgado.

The two recent know-how books will serve as models for researchers on how to promote themselves and their innovations to museum and creative industry professionals.

Furthermore, a template of a standard structure and design of the know-how book is available on for researchers who look for an easy way to transfer their research results and solutions to museum professionals.


Here you can download the different booklets from the Knowhow books: