Digital Intangible Heritage in Asia

DIHA (Digital Intangible Heritage of Asia) was founded in 2009, as a thematic research cluster with the aim to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of cultural heritage by triangulating and strengthening the connections between cutting-edge research — new curricula within academia — and society. The projects promoted by DIHA unfold collaboratively, as an interdisciplinary process that connects the technology sector, cultural heritage, research and development and the creative industries. It aims to bring together linguists, historians, interactive media specialists, computer engineers, scientists and museum curators from different parts of the university as well as relevant external collaborators.

The research cluster is today supported by an extensive network involving relevant actors in Europe and South-Asia-Pacific, including researchers, SMEs, governmental agencies, academia, museums, science centres, artists, designers and creators, regional and national heritage boards, libraries and other memory institutions.

Next Step

The future vision of DIHA is to build frameworks for digital cultural heritage projects and engage interest groups at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), arrange collaborative workshops at NTU for researchers and students, identify new possibilities and partners in Singapore, and establish collaboration and participation in European Union programs.


See projects here.


Ng Bee Chin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Francesco Cavallaro, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Halina Gottlieb, Digital Heritage Center / The Interactive Institute, Sweden



Ng Bee Chin,
Acting Head of School of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies

Halina Gottlieb, CEO Digital Heritage Center